An authorpreneur is an author who is an entrepreneur. An authorpreneur is just as important as serious as a career as an entrepreneur and his or her venture. Here are seven steps to help you take your authropreneurship journey seriously:


  1. Create a vision for your book business

Creating a vision for your book business is a must for the direction and focus of your venture. You want to be successful in your book business, right? Direction and focus are therefore crucial, so start envisioning what success looks like for you.


  1. Clarify your brand

Decide what you want to be known for. When you decide what you want to be known for, brand your book business will be more impactful and profitable. So, if you want your business to be known for quality and excellence, then brand your business as such. If you want your book business to be known for simplicity, yet professionalism, then brand your business as such. You may have a vision for people to see your business in a particular light, but unless you deliberately brand your business as such, then they may never see it.


  1. Identify your ideal customer

Identifying your ideal customer means knowing your target audience. Knowing your target audience will help with designing your vision. Knowing your target audience helps also with designing the most suitable brand for the business and understanding the best ways to bring it across.


  1. Build a community

Communities concerning anything is just as effective today as they were yesterday. Building a community of followers who you will serve and your book and products will solve their problems. Support goes a long way and a community will help your book business to grow.


  1. Set up your platforms

Social media, websites and other platforms are still available and effective for marketing any business. Set up your platforms so that you can be seen. Word of mouth or a flyer on a door is not enough for your business to be known. Choose a platform, exist on that platform and thrive.


  1. Market your offering

Marketing is still a must for the success of any business. While you are on various platforms, use them regularly and wisely. You do not just want to exist on various platforms, but you want to attract sales for your business from existing. Marketing is how you attract sales for your book.


  1. Invest in coaching (accelerate your success)

If necessary, invest in coaching as an author and as one who is determined to succeed as an authorpreneur. Being an entrepreneur is just as important as being an entrepreneur, treat it as such.

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