Before your book is sold, it has to be noticed. Unless it is noticed, then it cannot be sold. The previous sentence seems like a repetition of the first, doesn’t it? That’s because it is undoubtedly true. Here are some practical ways you can ensure that it is done.

  1. Ensure your book cover is eye-catching and professional

Keep in mind that your book cover is a part of your marketing strategy to gain sales. While you have to ensure that the cover tells the message of your book, you want it to be eye-catching. Ensure the graphics are appealing, and that the font-style is appropriate for the type of book you are writing (for example, a book on marketing and business strategies, versus a children’s book). Also, ensure that it is professional, no one desires to purchase an item that looks like it was “slap-dashed”. The beauty of being the author of a book is that it does not require you to be its designer. Get it professionally done, ensure it looks professional, you want your book to be noticed, don’t you?


  1. Get an influencer to review your book on their platform

Influencers are viewed as credible sources when it comes to advertising a product or service. The influencer you choose for your platform doesn’t even need to be an expert in what you are writing about (if they are though, that is a bonus!). People tend to be intrigued and feel compelled to purchase a product when they see it being advertised by someone famous. This is a guaranteed way to get your book noticed.


  1. Pay for social media boost

Sponsored advertisements take money, but they are effective. This is so, as that which you are advertising is shared with your desired demography or demographics, beyond where your page could reach. You can do this on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This will surely get your book noticed, even by people beyond the borders of the country you reside.

Need help to create a successful book launch and marketing plan? Purchase a copy of my new book, Sell More Books Impact More Lives on Amazon & Kindle. You will also get a free 14-day sell more books challenge with different tips to increase your book sales.

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