You would have written a book to share meaningful content with potential readers, however, you don’t want to limit your voice to the pages of a book, but you want expand your horizons. One way in which you can do so is to engage in public speaking.

Here are 5 benefits of public speaking for authors. Public speaking can :


  1. Help you build your visibility

     “Public speaking adds to your credibility and thought leadership status. It puts you in front of potential customers, partners…. It increases your reach into new markets,” –  shared Bobbie Carlton. Whatever you write about, whether it’s your experiences, a study you’ve conducted, you name it, you want to position it as a source for your target audience to find expertise on the subject you have addressed and to attract potential investors or partners. Public speaking expands your reach as it is not only your speech that is heard, but marketing material that is shared by the party that is hosting you, is seen by many people whether they attend the event at which you will be speaking or not. This will allow for people to see you as an expert and want to find out more about you – then see you as a trusted expert and eventually invest in your book.


  1. Create an extra stream of income

     Who doesn’t want an extra stream of income, especially if it’s doing something you enjoy? Being an author is a career in itself, but you don’t have to confine yourself to writing, open up to the possibilities and opportunities to speak, and not just about something you enjoy (concerning or associated with the subject of your book), but to do so in a way that is profitable.


  1. Help you to personally connect with your readers

     Public speaking will allow for your readers or potential readers to have a better idea as to whose thoughts they are interacting with and may impact how they view those same thoughts. If from hearing and seeing you they identify how passionate and expressive you are, they may be more compelled to believe your words and allow it to impact them as they are more aware of the heart from which you speak. Additionally, from interacting with them, you are better able to create content that will target them.


  1. Great way to market your book (exposure)

     It’s not enough to just want exposure, you must grasp the opportunities that allow for it. Public speaking gives you a stage, whether physical or virtual. Don’t be afraid to speak, whether it’s entirely about your book or partly at the end, middle or even the beginning of your speech when you’re introducing yourself.



  1. Differentiate yourself from other authors in your industry

     You may already know that you’re different from all the authors in your industry, but that’s not enough, you need others to know. Use your stage, use your voice and make it known. Speak to highlight to your audience the value that book brings in addressing the area that your book will help them in.

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