Yea I know we are in a global pandemic and at this time, we really cannot host any live events, the truth is many authors have been hosting virtually book launches even before COVID-19. Virtual book launches promote and celebrate newly published books using online technology and online events.

Here are some reasons you can consider to host a virtual book launch party:

  1. You can connect with readers globally

A limitation to live events is not simply the number of people who are able to be in one space, but the reality that it takes place in one physical location. Not everyone is able to attend a live event in person often because of where it is geographically located. However, with online platforms as the location for hosting your book launch party, you can invite everyone human on the planet to your party.

 2. You are able to create an experience that people can enjoy even long after the book is launched

One of the benefits of hosting a book launch virtually is the opportunity you have to record the sessions. If you choose to record it and you do a good job with the launch, you can share it on your platforms even after to generate interest in your book. Your book launch does not only include you, but an audience and supporters. If people can see how successful and well-executed the launch was by you and how enjoyable it was by others, people will be interested in not just you as a brand, but your book.

 3. It is far more cost-effective

It may not be completely free as having excellent lighting, beautiful decorations, dressing up and more will add tremendously to the execution of your book launch. What you will certainly save money on is food and the venue (which would be the most costly). Isn’t that great?!


Bonus: It is less work to plan and host virtual events, you can plan at your own time and convenience (keeping in mind a few deadlines). Not to mention, you will not have much cleaning up after. 

Personally, I am a big fan of live events, but I have seen how successful virtual events can be and have been during this time. So if you are launching your book soon, go ahead and start planning your virtual book launch and introduce your book to the world.

dayelight publishers

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