Using social media to promote your book, build your platform and grow your author’s brand are powerful ways to boost your book revenue. You want to capitalize on every way of making your career as an author as successful as possible, don’t you? Yes! Yes, you do. This is why you want to be intentional about using your social media platforms to contribute to maximizing your book sales. Here are four ways to do so:


  1. Update your bio with your author title (leave a link with your book in the bio).

Like money, sales do not just fall from a tree, you have to put the effort into marketing your book and ultimately yourself to receive the level of sales you desire. Among marketing strategies like the content created for your social media page, the sponsored ads you invest in on the different platforms, the lives, you name it, changing the classification of your profile is necessary. Platforms like Instagram give you the option to change your profile from a personal profile to a business profile. You have been given this option for a reason, capitalize on it. If you have not as yet, change your page to a business profile and select “author” (For Instagram). For platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, you get the privilege of typing it in. Along with this, update the details in your biography (which will appear immediately after the classification of your profile as “author”. Put your book name and its link in your biography, so that social media users perusing platforms for authors, will not only realize that you are an author but immediately they are able to access your book. Everyone likes convenience and this makes it easy for people to access your book.

2. Share book reviews and photos with people reading your book.

One thing that compels people to purchase a book is to see other people engaging with the book/having engaged in reading the book coupled with good reviews by such readers. It is not really hard getting a few people to read your book and upload a picture of them doing so, and though pictures tell a thousand words, the words which follow an image play a big role in the belief and therefore the actions of the viewers of the image. So if you put a picture of someone reading your book, great! However, don’t forget to add a review. The review does not have to be anything long either, it can be something as simple as mentioning that the person finds the book “intriguing”. Do note though, that quoting in person makes the reviews sound less generic, realistic and is better at converting potential consumers to consumers more effectively than the one word or sentence. Additionally, it is key words that appeal to the intellect and emotions of your target audience that matter the most in the reviews.

3. Create eye-catching graphics

One of America’s best graphic designers, Milton Glaser said it best “There are three responses to a piece of design – No, yes and WOW!. Wow is the one to aim for.”  You don’t want the graphics you put out to be average. Average can look good, in fact really good, but it does not mean that it looks great; It doesn’t mean that it allows you to stand out as an author. With marketing your book and ultimately branding yourself, you want to put your best foot forward. Eye-catching graphics are a must. People inevitably see graphics before they see captions and graphics often contribute to viewers continuing to read your caption and the little insights on your book or even being converted from potential to actual consumers. Take note of colours, images, etc., ensuring that it is attractive primarily to your target audience.



 4. Boost your best book posts

In putting your best foot forward, you want to ensure that the best of the content you have produced is seen by as many people as possible (more than the average). The best way to identify your best posts is to check the number of likes your posts have received, as well as, the posts with not just the most amount of feedback, but the most positive feedback evident through the comments and how often it has been shared by others. You boost your post by making it a sponsored ad, selecting the demography you would like to see it.


 I’m inviting you to join me on Tuesday July 28, 2020 for upcoming Make More Money As An Author: How To Use Your Book To Increase Your Revenue In 30 Days . If you can’t attend live, don’t worry the replay will be available. Register today at

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