There are many myths that come with being an aspiring memoir author. You have a choice to dismiss them or to submit to them and delay your success. Here are myths you may believe and reasons why they are not true and should be dismissed:


  1. No one will read your story

In this world we live in, we will face issues and search for solutions and encouragement. For sure someone will buy your book, once it’s professionally published and properly marketed. The amount of people that will buy your book is a different point to tackle and it depends on how well it is marketed.

 2. You have to be a great writer (or good at English)

Being a “great writer” is not a qualification you need/requirement necessary to write a book. You may not be the best at speaking or writing your native tongue, that is not a problem. We tend to forget or be ignorant of the truth that the books of those we deem great writers, the beautiful language and the compelling story, was not just a one-time-write. Books are often, if not always, edited and not simply by the writer, but by professional editors. The story doesn’t change, but how it is written may be tweaked.

The most important thing is the story and the message you have to bring to the table.

3. Your book is for everybody

Just like everything else you will engage in life, you cannot please everyone. If your target audience is the general public you will stretch your content thin and just like that you will set yourself up for failure. Who do you think will be most interested in and most impacted by your story? Target them. You don’t want a bland final product in trying to target everyone. “You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

4. You’ll get rich when you write a book

One of the laws Bob Burg shares in his book “The Go-Giver”, is that your true worth is determined by how much you give in value than you receive in payment. This does not mean that you should not aim for high-profit margins in selling your book, but it does mean that you should focus on producing the best book you can (there’s a high chance that when you put your best work and self out there, there will get returns). However, this does not mean that you will be rich and that is something you have to accept. Your worth is not dependent on the returns from the book, but you will help someone realize their worth with how valuable your story is.

5. Your story must be dramatic

It often seems as if people are more drawn to the stories that are dramatic, but really, it is authenticity and content that people are most drawn to and impacted by. Your story is yours, it is not the drama that matters, but the problem-solving content.



Ready To Write Your Memoir? Ready To Impact Lives With Your Life Story? Ready To Become A Published Author?


Join us on July 14, 2020 for upcoming Write An Impact Memoir That Sells Masterclass. If you can’t attend live, don’t worry the replay will be on sale. Register today at



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