Though your book may sell, the “value” of the income generated most likely will not be fixed. For this reason, you should consider other means of generating income while using content from your book. You have to be intentional as a self-published author and plan where this is concerned. Are you looking for ways to generate income using content from your book? If you are, that’s a wise step to take and here are four ways you can do so.


  1. Set Book Income Goals

Income goals are goals set specifically to generate income for your book. Write them down to remember them. As you aim to remember them, work towards them. Write down what you will have to sacrifice to actually achieve your goals. As with every goal, make sure they are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. As you set these goals, remember that you can subject them to change testing some means of generating income for the book.

 2. Get More Book Reviews

The more book reviews there are, it means there are more people talking about your book. The more people that are talking about your book, the more sales you will get.

Good book reviews help with the increased credibility not simply with what you have written in the book, but with your brand. Start by building a relationship with people who are a part of your target audience, reach out, make your request for them to be a part of the launch team for your book. When your book has been launched, contact and send reminders to your team of reviewers who have agreed to engage in reviewing your book online (like Amazon). You have a story to share, do your best to get it out there.

 3. Turn your book into a course

In case you have not noticed, many authors have started invested in using their books as scripts to create an online course and here is why. As long as we live on the Earth, we will always be learning and everyone wants to be proficient and more knowledgeable in something, whether for personal gain or professional gain. A well written book has a solution to a problem or solutions to problems in it, there is some benefit it has to offer to the target audience, there is something new to learn to apply, it is the same with an online course. You don’t have to use all the content from your book in the course, you don’t even have to use the book title for its title. Start by looking at a topic that you believe is engaging and probably the most important thing to take away and apply from your book. This allows for you to make passive income. It’s no longer just the book, but now you have a course to generate money as if you were selling the book.


 4. Become a profressional speaker

Speakers are desired all year round for events held by schools, programs and organizations. Speakers are sought after for these events for a variety of topics and it is highly likely that some part of the message from your book is included. Market yourself as a speaker and you can even seek out such opportunities. A great way to market yourself as such is to engage a community or communities both on social media and offline, by sharing information you have expert knowledge on, learning about, passionate about, but don’t forget to include content and associated content from your book. It is the information and the related information from your book that you want to gain attention from your audience so that you will be sought out as a paid speaker.


I’m inviting you to join me on Tuesday July 28, 2020 for upcoming Make More Money As An Author: How To Use Your Book To Increase Your Revenue In 30 Days . If you can’t attend live, don’t worry the replay will be available. Register today at


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